Bhutan’s Silicon Happiness: A Glimpse into the AI Revolution

By Tsheltrim Pemo


Bhutan, also known as the Land of the Thunder Dragon, is a small country located in the eastern Himalayas, bordered by India to the south and China to the north. Bhutan has long been revered for its pristine landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and the pursuit of Gross National Happiness. While technologies were flourishing globally, Bhutan remained isolated from these advancements until the modernization era started about 20 years ago. Bhutan was late adopters of technology, as evidenced by the fact that their first television broadcast occurred in 1999.

However, even after being the late technological adopter there has been significant improvement and advancement in information communications technology (ICT). The internet access in Bhutan has significantly increased to 85.6% of the population in 2021 from around 14.4% in 2011. The government also launched the Government to Citizen (G2C) program in 2005 which has made the services efficient.

In 2017, Bhutan took a significant step by establishing its first ICT (Information and Communication Technology) college, known as Gyalposhing College of Information Technology (GCIT). This institution was set up to provide education and training in the field of technology. Following its establishment, the college expanded its offerings. They introduced additional IT courses and training programs to enhance the skills of students in various aspects of information technology. Over the subsequent years, the college further broadened its curriculum to include new areas of specialization. One noteworthy addition was the inclusion of subjects related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science. The introduction of AI and Data Science courses aimed to equip Bhutanese students with specialized knowledge and skills in these emerging and critical areas of technology. This initiative reflects Bhutan&apo;s commitment to staying current with global technological trends and ensuring that its students are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

In a dynamic world driven by technological progress, the collaboration between the Department of Innovation & Technology (InnoTech) under Druk Holding & Investments (DHI) and Omdena stands as a testament to the transformative power of partnerships. In 2023, this alliance harnessed the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) to tackle pressing challenges and empower local communities in Bhutan. Notably, the Omdena Academy, a joint initiative, provided 50 participants with comprehensive data science courses, fostering hands-on expertise in data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. The culmination of this program saw 45 graduates, showcasing their commitment to knowledge acquisition. The collaboration also extended to impactful initiatives such as the AI for Social Impact Ideathon, where innovative ideas were solicited to address local challenges. The winning concept, "Digitizing Bhutanese Documents and Books for Accessibility With Machine Translation and NLP," spurred a transformative project to enhance knowledge accessibility.

Furthermore, the Omdena AI Innovation Challenge focused on digitizing content for Dzongkha, Bhutan's national language, presenting a groundbreaking language translation system. A dedicated MLOps hybrid course and the development of an Automated Forest Fire Detection and Early Warning System in Thimphu exemplify the diverse and impactful outcomes of this collaboration, reinforcing Bhutan's position at the forefront of technological innovation and community development. The Bhutan and Omdena Partnership, formed in 2023, showcases the power of collaboration and innovation. By providing practical skills, fostering transformative ideas, and leveraging AI for positive impact, the partnership has significantly contributed to Bhutan's progress. This collaboration has empowered a new generation of local AI leaders, driving technological advancements and safeguarding natural resources.

Looking ahead, Bhutan is set to further develop its capabilities in AI and data science, as seen through initiatives like the GCIT and collaborations with InnoTech and Omdena. With a practical focus on innovation and addressing local challenges, Bhutan's steady commitment to technological progress positions it as a growing player in the field of artificial intelligence. As the nation continues to explore the possibilities of AI, the future holds promise for incremental advancements and integration within its evolving technological landscape.
